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圖左:Creation 70%  每片150g,起價:每片台幣250
The latest dark chocolate creations from the Lindt Maitre Chocolatiers: A creamy filling and aromatic fruit encased in dark chocolate with 70% cocoa offer an exceptional, intensive chocolate experience.

Cherry & Chili 最新出品的櫻桃加辣椒口味
Christopher Columbus not only brought the first cocoa back to Europe, but also the first chili. Long before that, the fruit of these two plants were enjoyed together in the form of drinks by the Maya people of Mexico. The Lindt Maitre Chocolatiers have complemented this combination with sweet, fruity cherries in the new Cherry & Chili. 
Experience for yourself the interaction of the cherries and fiery chilies in the creamy, dark filling encased in the finest 70% Lindt chocolate!


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